Friday, November 9, 2012

meanwhile, back at the ranch...

okay, i'll admit it.  i've been getting a little sidetracked lately.  and i've been letting little things get me down.  i haven't been working on this gratitude thing as much as i'd like to.  so today, i just took the day off.  literally, just did nothing.  well, next to nothing.  the laundry doesn't do itself, after all.

i didn't cook dinner, although i did plan dinner.  i didn't plan on eating dinner, either.  i nibbled.  i fed one of the cats some of my dinner, the other didn't seem to be interested.  i know, bad kitty mommy.  i didn't do the dishes either.  as far as avoidance, today I ROCKED!

but i have to get back on this horse.  i need to get refocused on what it is to be grateful.  to express gratitude.  to appreciate and to express that appreciation.  so today i'm giving myself a pass.  maybe it was the coffee i had last night.   i didn't fall asleep until the sun was up.  that, in itself, will make you want to do nothing all day.

and i'm not even sure anyone is reading.  but that isn't what this is about, either.  it would be FABULOUS to find out that people are reading my little blog, but i highly doubt it.  especially now.  we've just survived an election cycle, people are bitching and making excuses left and right, why even think about gratitude?  who needs it?

WE ALL DO!  and that's my point.  there's SOMETHING to be grateful for, in even the most dire of experiences.  we just have to look for it.  we've become a nation of instant gratification junkies.  if it isn't right there in front of our faces, we don't want to have anything to do with it.  and i admit, i've been guilty of that.  and i'm trying to change.  i'm really working on it.  it's a struggle some days, others it's so easy.  today it was just a pull the covers over my head and ignore the world type of day.  tomorrow, i doubt that it will be such a day.  it shouldn't be.  i don't want it to be.  and THAT says a lot.

so i just keep trying.  i'm going to try to simplify one thing a week, maybe.  that's kind of a difficult assignment to give myself.  i'm a very detail oriented person, and simplification is such a foreign concept.  but i've been wanting a simpler life.  so i need to start doing things to make that life simpler.  so i need to start acting on that.  i imagine i'll make lists, i'm great at making lists.  i'm just not that great at following through on those lists.  but maybe organizing one aspect of my house in a week or a month?  is that an outrageous task?  (and here i thought i was taking the day off.  there i go again!)

we'll see what thoughts tomorrow brings.  but hey, the laundry is done.


  1. Hey! I read! I think it's really difficult finding things to feel grateful for some days. I also struggle with insomnia and know how draining it is. People don't get it if they've never had it.

    Keep 'em coming!

  2. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU! i know my writing isn't anywhere up to the quality of yours, colleen, but thanks. i just feel it's helping me. i know i'm a lot more positive these days. hubby has noticed it, for sure! and he finished the laundry for me, i thought it was done...silly me.

  3. I'm reading! I struggled with insomnia a little bit a couple of years ago and it is torture! I hope you get a fix someday soon. You do soun like you are feeling more positive and better about things. We are all a work in progress.

  4. it's such a struggle! i was talking to my mom today, and just the mere mention of the word sleep and i broke down in tears. yes, it's been one of those weeks. or i'm hormonal. or it's been one of those, "i'm hormonal" weeks. i think it's just everything. we're having thanksgiving early, actually we're having it twice! once this next weekend and then once for our family. and little one's birthday is tomorrow. i'm starting to feel old. ugh!!! progress, it's all about progress. that's what i keep telling myself.
