Wednesday, November 14, 2012

enough is enough

i'm having a really difficult time.  REALLY.  it seems i've lost support from my family.  and when you don't have support from your family, is it really worth it?  so, i guess this is it.


  1. so i ask, do i keep going or just give up? it's getting to be a battle again. what am i to do?

  2. Not being privy to your family dynamic, I guess I would have to say, whatever you choose to do, you should do with ALL family members on board. Otherwise, it won't work and you'll be frustrated. Is there a way to do what you want to do but in a smaller step? Like maybe the first month, reduce going out spending, then the next month reduce convenience food spending. All the while adding homemade bread and more fruits and veggies? I don't know, but your plan was really really limiting and maybe was a bit TOO drastic. It's easier to ease into change, especially when it comes to food. People like their food!

  3. We are trying to eat a more "clean" diet. It was pretty clean before, but there is always room for improvement. Even making that one small change was enough for our family. I can't imagine putting everyone through the change you guys tried, all at once. It had to be hard! It is more important that you and Gary are doing it in harmony than you doing it at all. Hope that helps!!
